About the game Bioshock 2

Bioshock 2, did not pursue the story of Jack's adventures in the first version. This game would take a story about 8 years before the first version, and here the player will play as a Big Daddy. For the players Bioshock Big Daddy's name may be familiar. Yes, this is one of the characters antogonis which is the main enemy in Bioshock.
Once started in 1968, players will be invited to see the sights while adventuring the world that the sea through a fictional town called The Rapture. If ever in the city once players are familiar with the sound man named Andrew Ryan, Ryan is now the role has been replaced. Here, gamers will be faced with a major enemy named Sofia Lamb. Because it acts as Big Daddy, was increasingly intense battle action. Players can use a variety of weapons such as drilling machines, machine guns, until some Traffic telekinesis. It certainly helps to block the splicers.
Splicers are the inhabitants of the city of Rapture is malignant, penyerangangan them in this game even though there is no ending. Moreover the task of the player as a Big Daddy was going to bring a lot of missions to protect the little boy who care. In addition to the splicers, players will also encounter some old enemies like Big Sister. Battle with the splicers or Big Sister more exciting thanks to the players primary weapon, drilling machine. With a drilling machine that spins easily embedded into the body of the enemy, the effects of any injury caused is so great that very powerful as the main weapon. But keep in mind, with the presence of this new weapon will be seen more fights and brutal sadist. Players will encounter a lot of blood splatter, that's what made Bioshock 2 is not friendly with the children.
Talk about the blood, the Health system in this game still uses the old way. Players should always look for Health or Medical Kit station while badly wounded. This is certainly different from most games today. When compared to the game Firts Person Shooter (FPS) others, such as Modern Warefare 2. Health systems are now no longer need Medical Kit, players only need to take a break to restore stamina.
if you want to play this game, please download the link below : Download Game